Saturday, February 27, 2010

What's Your Favorite Type of Meat?

Today was a pretty good day. I got to sleep in (if you call 0700 sleeping in) without any explosions and I almost finished everything that I had planned on completing at work today. Not too bad in my book. I think the highlight might be when one of the Major’s in my branch offered to read a letter from his sister’s elementary school class. It was pure genius! I would like to try and recall it here for your reading pleasure…minus the names of course to protect the innocent…

“Dear Major --------,
Do you like pancakes and French toast sticks? I like them. Are you good at war? Are you good at Air Force? Is Air Force hard? Is it fun? Do you have swords, time-bombs, guns, ray guns, and other stuff like that? Have you faced any bad guys? What's your favorite type of meat? Have you ever chased a bad guy? I like TV and video games but……not girl shows and girl video games.
From: ---------.”

The simplicity and directness is wonderful! When I heard it the first time, I actually laughed myself to tears! Oh, to be so young and innocent again…If only life was that simple…

By the way, we don’t have any ray guns…and my favorite type of meat is grilled! 


  1. Corn, when did you eat corn!

  2. what about the other stuff? do you like the other stuff? crepe and a pancake?

  3. Matt, it's even more disturbing when you say it to Jack.
