Friday, February 26, 2010

Ma oo loot Sharif Mubarick...translated... Happy Mohammad’s Birthday

Today, we celebrated an Afghan religious holiday. It started off with a bang as the Taliban set off bombs in the capital city of Kabul. I had planned on sleeping in a bit, going to the gym, then going to work to finish up some monthly recognition packages...not today.

Just so you all know, I AM in a war zone and now it feels like it. I was starting to feel a bit complacent and am glad my senses are on full alert again. While some seemed a bit freaked out by their first taste of “holy crap I‘m in a war zone”, I was fine. Now, I haven’t “seen combat”, but I was under constant mortar and rocket fire my last trip to the AOR at beautiful Balad. Experience does serve you well if you pay attention and learn from it!

But this isn’t really about me. This story is about all those serving in the military. Today, I was extremely proud of all my joint service brothers and sisters. As we performed personnel accountability, I saw the genuine concern and dedication to the mission and to each other. Just so you know everyone was safe and sound. Some came right to work after the explosions, some stayed put and ensured those around them were safe, some woke up and went back to sleep comforted by the fact those responsible for security of the camp were doing their job, and some slept right through it. In the end, everyone did their job and took care of their fellow Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, and Marines. That is why I serve. Am I proud to be in the Air Force? Heck yeah! My AF flag will soon be flying in the office right across from the beautiful USMC flag my boss so proudly flies. Do I bust on my sister services? You bet! But in the end, I know they have my back, and I will certainly have theirs. You just don’t find this kind of camaraderie in any other profession.

So, how did the rest of my day go? I know you really want to know. Well, I got the recognition packages done and submitted, we all took care of the mission, and (this is the best part of the day) 4 of my outstanding folks received Joint Service Achievement Medals for some of the amazing work they did this week!

So….Ma oo loot Sharif Mubarick...or... Happy Mohammad’s Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are proud of your fellow soldiers, but I have to disagree with you on one point. You said that the sort of camaraderie you have there is not found in other professions. You are wrong. As a plumber I have to tell you, I never had to worry about poop sneaking up on me when I was clearing a stopped up stool....I knew my fellow plumbers would protect my backside from a sneak attack!

    Thanks a lot for the blog....this is going to make things a little better for us back home. We can begin to understand what you are going through.

    Oh, and Ma oo loot Sharif Mubarick to you as well. We did not put a tree up this year.


